Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I feel like a Tyson mom...
Last night I realized that life is taking its toll on me. My dad suggested I write everything down that I do and start eliminating. "Something's gotta give", is what he said. I have no idea what I will cut, but I know I need to. I feel like I am giving 150% everywhere but only producing about 60%. So this morning I allowed myself to rest in bed for an extra 45 minutes instead of working out, since I will be working out later tonight anyway.
Breakfast was fatty...peanut butter toast. but I had no choice. The icey roads put me behind schedule so I had to eat at work...and that is all I had up there.
Tonight I will make sushi...or...maybe I'll make lean firecracker burgers...hmmm...(I'll decide based on the intensity of my workout begging high protein or not)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sweat is My Friend
Saturday I did a killer taebo workout for an hour and a half. It felt great to move every muscle in my body. It was a great cardio. Ate perfectly.
Sunday I did 15 minute abs just blasting out the reps. 30 second rest every 5 minutes. Ate well.
I did not take my "day off" on Thursday like a good girl, so this morning I skipped my morning workout for an extra 45 minutes in bed. I'll probably do some squats during lunch, but other than that...I am OFF today. I was in a rush so breakfast was weak...1 whole milk organic yogurt and a cheese stick. WEAK! oh well...
Friday, January 23, 2009
07:15 1 cup kashi +1% milk
skim mozarella cheese stick
07:30 Hxy
10:00 cup of warm beef broth (brr...its cold outside...this is my replacement for hot cocoa)
11:00 Hxy
11:30 Sushi
3:00and finally feeling a little hungry again...that was the longest I've gone without being hungry...maybe I ate too much sushi! I think I'll grab some SF jello
Lunch break: 8 lateral squatting walks and 14 pushups. Today is technically my off day, but...I just couldn't resist. It was a super light sprint shoot me.
Back in the day, when I was single, I never ate fast food, I didn't drink cokes (diet or otherwise), and I ate lean and clean - cooking for myself nearly every night. Why did that change when I got married??...I stopped waking up to go running, I stopped walking to the grocery store, I stopped doing random dips and lunges when I saw a good open area...let's get the old Faith back!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Not Just a Lunch Break
my goal is to do 4 sets of 15 by the next 6 week marker
Today I did 2 sets; 8 and 14. not bad.
Next I did 8 sets of the lateral squatting walk (6 steps to the right=1 set, repeat on other side). I did this 3 times (3x8 sets of 6 steps).
Lunch was a fresh roll of sushi from the deli in my building.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Hip Hop , pilates, swiss ball oh my!
Saturday - hip hop
Sunday - pilates
Monday Lunch break:
Progress Report
The day after thanksgiving I weighed in at 130.x lbs
A couple weeks ago I checked in at a 123.6lbs
I am too young to have gained and lost 6+ pounds, but that is my fault for slacking. I sill have 6lbs to go before I am at my ideal weight.
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs
Snack: 1/3 cup cheerios
Lunch: protein meal replacement
TOMORROW I AM GOING TO THE GYM....lunges, warm up run, trics, run, bike
Monday, January 5, 2009
Strong & Sexy is just a day away
Tuesday AM Abs/Pilates/cardio
Tuesday PM 60% Cardio, 15% calis, 25% lift
Wednesay AM Abs/Pilates/cardio
Thursday OFF DAY
Friday AM Abs/Pilates/cardio
Friday PM 60% Cardio, 15% calis, 25% lift
Saturday AM Hip Hop/Off-roading/kayaking
Sunday AM Abs/Pilates/cardio
Sunday PM 60% Cardio, 15% calis, 25% lift
Saturday, January 3, 2009
24 Hour Fitness: Hip hop
Friday, January 2, 2009
Annual 2009 Resolutions = Fitness Revamp
Took an amazing ab class with instructor Leisa Hurt. Great Ab routines incorporating A LOT of stretching. was good.
2009 revamp:
On top of consistent workout routines I will periodically take a random class at a local gym. I am a member of super-24 hour fitness so my membership allows me to go to any of their gyms regardless of super-sport, sport, magic, etc. Each club has their own schedule and this year I will take advantage. Tonight I will take an abs class. Woohoo!
My husband made me his delicious morning shake: banana, peanut butter, chocolate-protein. My metabolism got its jump start and boy it is revving!
For the next 30 days I am going to monitor my calorie intake. not change it. MONITOR it.
I also weighed in at 123.6*. I estimate I can lean down by 5 lbs.
*Measured over the course of 3 days at the same time each day.