Saturday, July 18, 2009

I Am a Fitness Professional...I Am a Fitness Professional...

I need to reprogram my brain to think like a fitness professional. I want to be a strong athlete. I need to think of work like sleeping. It is something that has to be done to survive, it eats up time, but it can't be an excuse for not hitting the gym. I need to think of food as fuel and not as pleasure. (though pleasure is very much a part of enjoying life and I am ok with food occassionally being that "pleasure" item)

I told my muscle-head Unlce Ken that I really want to pursue figure competitions after I get myself on a solid lifestyle. He said "do it" and it could not have been more motivating. I am looking forward to getting my life on track...I just need to learn my body first. This time next year, I think I'll know what needs to be done, then I can start doing some research and talking to people about how to start training for competitions. Gosh...and don't forget kids...I'll be wanting a few at some point, so thats another factor, though NOT a deterrant. One of my idols in that arena is Samantha Harris (DWTS hostess), who after only about 8 months after baby was right back on her original weight. She has been active her whole life, but she works smart and thats the key.

My workout partners are things and people that motivate me. Not all of them are aware that they are my workout partners and I do not actually workout with any of them. In pecking order:
1. Luke (husband)
2. Muscle & Fitness Hers Magazine
3. Jessica Biel (celeb)
4. That woman on that didn't start working out till she was 38 and now she is a godess of fitness only 8 years later
5. Uncle Ken
6. Samantha Harris (celeb)

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