I CAN WALK!! This morning I woke up and could walk easily without pain! "Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You"[ps 31:19]
Echo painting, check!
Pullups: 5S/3,3,3,5,7R assisted 1 min rest between sets [goal: 10 unassisted by end of 21 days]
Iso-squats 8S/30secondR no rest between sets
Meal 1: Fiber One bar, Navel orange, 1/4 C organic corn cereal [this was a terrible breakfast...what was I thinking]
Meal 2: Power Protein Shake (Banana, peanut butter, chocolate protein)
Meal 3: Garlic soup and toasted whole grain french bread
Meal 4: Avocado; oats
Meal 5: 1/3 C Yogurt with 1 heaping Tbs pulverized almonds and 1/2 apple, sliced
Meal 6: DATE NIGHT/cheat meal: grilled chicken sandwich, yo, on white bread
"The power of healing can come from the effort to face the challenge. The challenge of an injury is often misconstrued as a curse."
"'Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord." Psalm 31:24
Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 21
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