Friday, June 12, 2009

Low Calorie Week; Day 4

Meal 1: Oatmeal with cinnamon & Coffee with cinnamon

Snack: 1/4 cup purely O's (Cascadian Farm)

Meal 2: 1 scoop Optima slimfast powder in 80z skim milk

Snack: Coffee and almonds (small handful)

Meal 3: can of tuna (tuna in water) with diced jalepenos

Meal 4: TBA birthday party tonight

Abs - 4s hanging leg raises; 4s planks; 2s swiss; 2s reverse swiss
Bike 6 minutes on level 10; 2 minutes on level 6; 2 minutes on level 10
Elliptical 40 minutes

I've noticed I was consistently losing weight at the beginning and have been holding at 120.8 for several weeks now. FYI This is normal - when you have a few stubborn pounds that are remaining that you cant seem to shake after a good lifestyle pattern, your body is just taking its time to adjust your new metabolism. No worries. Meanwhile, I am going to start downing H20 like there is no tomorrow. A minimum of 80 0z, reduce processed food intake (I already don't eat much processed foods) and watching my sodium should do the trick.

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