Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hello! In honor of spring, I have been doing some spring cleaning :) in the blog world that is! I have now migrated to

Thanks for following! See you on the other side!


Monday, May 3, 2010

Once You Go Black, You'll Never Go Back

No fuss, just black. That's how my grandma drinks her joe. I usually just put a splenda or stevia in my coffee, but I decided to cold-turkey start drinking my coffee black. Taking out the cream and sugar helps cut down on your calorie intake. Why not shave off where you can?

If coffee is a real treat for you, then I say, find a healthier alternative for your cream/sugar/syrup fixins and let yourself have the occasional treat. It will keep you from going insane with deprivation.

[picture source:]

Who Wants a Transformation?

*Faith raises hand*

Don't tell anyone, but...I went for a walk last night. It felt...weird. It was nice to be back in my running shoes again. I am eagerly awaiting the day when I can once again feel the pounding of the ground and the warmth of my muscles coming alive. Ahhh sweet bliss.

I am ready to slowly began rehab to get myself back into running shape. My plan is to spend the next 4 weeks awakening the muscles and slowly build back the strength. It will take a lot longer than 4 weeks, but my plan is to assess over the next 4 weeks. AFTER THAT, I would like to begin the H.I.T transformation routine again! If you were following me last year, I did the Fitness Rx H.I.T transformation in November (but did not post about progress). Stay tuned and you can join me. I'll post meal plans and workout routines for both home-monkeys and gym-monkeys. If you do not have a gym membership I do recommend you get 3 progressive weights, a jump rope, green level theraband and running shoes (importance).

Hope everyone is eating clean! Diet is 80% of your health & fitness.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Protein Variety

As I look at my twitter and facebook feed I see so many people working hard to be summer-ready. Diets are hard to stick to if you have not yet made healthy eating a lifestyle. The trick is to make your food interesting. Love your seasoning cabinet and you won't miss all those unhealthy foods.

Meal 1: Two scrambled eggs, 2 slices of turkey bacon
Meal 2: High-fiber bean dip with whole grain chips; Canadian stew
Meal 3: La Madeleine petite wild field salade & cup of french onion soup (reason)
Meal 4: Navel orange, Chicken waldorf salad (leftovers) with multi-grain baked pita
Meal 5: DATE NIGHT: Tx LC smoked sirloin and lightly steamed broccoli with cracked peppercorn and garlic
Meal 6: N/A

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Eating Right, But Out With a Client

Today I have a business lunch. The persons I am meeting chose La Madeleine. In efforts to stay lean, I wanted to check out the calorie count on my favorite hot sandwich at La-mads for lunch today, the Turkey Bistro. To my horror! 500 calories!!! for HALF of the sandwich!!! Wowzers!!!! Needless to say, I will NOT be getting their turkey bistro!!! But you know...who was I kidding? I always remove the bacon, but there is cheese, a huge white bun, pesto, mayo...need I go on?

After sifting through the menu I have narrowed it down to 2 options.

OPTION 1 (complex carbs, no protein):
Wild Field Salade (Regular) (110)
Vegetable Soupe (60)

OPTION 2 (protein):
Wild Field Salade With Salmon (260)

I can't wait till I can workout for real again so that I can go back to eating high protein+complex carbs. My body doesn't need the same level anymore...soon, patient.

Friday, April 23, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 21!! (posting a little late)

Posting regularly has been difficult since I've been back at work. Schedule has gotten pretty cramped. Here we are on the final day of my 21-day project! 6 weeks from the date of my injury! Bones take approximately 6 weeks to heal, but I am still feeling the achy-ness of recovery and am still not able to sit without a pillow or run. Maybe its because I tore or strained some ligaments in the process of braking that bone off.

Here was that original list:
  1. Finish Echo painting for mom Done!
  2. Start creepy-circus painting Done!
  3. Tune and learn one solo piece on the cello
  4. Put London scrapbook together for Mother's day gift (hmm...need to get a scrapbook and lignon free tape) Began, but incomplete
  5. Make a list of supplies for brother's graduation table Done!
  6. Contact church youth to make sure on schedule for Youth Sunday Done!
  7. Brainstorm how to finish the "green" painting for Phil. house
  8. Sort pictures for wedding album project
  9. Work towards pull-up goal of...10... (that's reasonable right? in 21 days?) NOT REASONABLE haha....but I did make progress
  10. Write a letter to each missionary we are supporting
  11. Our taxes & come up with a new system to track expenses so that 2011 taxes will be cake Done! and Done!
  12. [Daily] Study Psalm 63 Did this! (But there is way more to study in that passage)
  13. Make real crepes
  14. Write an email to my mom in her native tongue [Ilonggo]
  15. Go through closet for items we don't wear --send to the Philippines Done!
  16. Build something out of wood
  17. Make paper
  18. [Daily] Learn and use one vocab word that I have never used before Done!
  19. Make new pillow cases (ours are on the fritz)
  20. Not be shlubby even though I'm just at home Dressed cute every day! Should have been doing that all along...never stop impressing the hub :)
  21. Plant an herb garden Done! Parsley was a fail, but my basil is sprouting!
  22. Learn a tango piece on the piano Began, but not ready yet
  23. Read "A Severe Mercy" by Sheldon Vanauken (been trying to get to it since last fall) Nearly...will hopefully finish it soon...
  24. [Daily] Isometric exercise Did this nearly every day, with the exception of pain days
  25. [Body allowing] Grill out! May do this soon! Weather is rainy this weekend, so maybe next weekend...

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 42 (somewhere my count got off...)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 15

I really love that I came across a great reminder today: Psalm 73.25-26
Being injured has really given me a great opportunity to reassess what should be most important to me. My God, Luke, others. I am excited that my progress of recovery is slow because it may help me ease into finding the good balance of maintaining priority order while incorporating things (like running) in a way that is in alignment with those core priorities. Hmm..the wheels are spinning!

Its times like this when I know I need to throw a bounce off of someone so they can slap some sense into me or a " know what you're doing wrong" haha. Causing me to definitely miss one of my absolute greatest friends of all time! Germany has stolen her from me! Em!

I spo
ke with a dear friend, Annette, who might as well be my big sister. What a great encouragement. She prodded me onward!

Thanks also to everyone who comments, emails or messages me a cheer or click of a "like", you guys have been such a motivational boost! Being inactive is such a weird state of being.

I got muh hair did. Rockin Red. THANK YOU VAL!!!!


Today my girl, Mary, challenged me to a push-up-on-demand. All day, randomly (as is our personality), we texted each other and at that moment we had to drop everything and do 10 pushups. 10 was a good number, but I think next time it should be at least twice that. ;) What do you say Mar-shmack?

Meal 1: Scrambled egg, slice of turkey bacon , navel orange
Meal 2: Avocado with lemon juice
Meal 3: Farm Stand Tomato salad, ear of corn (barely steamed to maintain nutrients) and Avocado with banana slices
Meal 4: Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie
Meal 5: N/A
Meal 6: N/A

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 34

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 14

Didn't need pain meds at any point today. rock on.


Didn't want to push my luck, so to speak. (but I did squeeze in a few pull-up [attempts])

Meal 1: Banana Bread, Eat Clean style
Meal 2: Navel orange (bread was pretty filling)
Meal 3: Cubed sirloin stew
Meal 4: Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie
Meal 5: Avocado with lemon juice (I eat it right out of the skin with a spoon)
Meal 6: Grilled lean sirloin strips (3 oz), corn on the cob

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 33

Monday, April 12, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 13

FYI: I have not been slacking, the lack of posts is due to the fall my lap top had. Shattered the LCD. Major bummer.

Feeling a lot stronger today and will be working full days this week from home.

Work :) Tango music, Banana bread (Eat Clean style, efforts to post later)


Pullup Monday Madness ...not really progressing like I had hoped...partly for the waaay to long rest days in between, but recovery/healing is more important to me right now.

Meal 1: Quick Sunrise Smoothie*
Meal 2: Avocado with lemon juice (I eat it right out of the skin with a spoon)
Meal 3: 1/2 turkey wrap with slices avocado, lettuce and tomato in whole wheat tortilla
Meal 4: Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie
Meal 5: Angry Mediterranean Salmon (3.5 oz) and raw zucchini
Meal 6: N/A

*Quick Sunrise Smoothie
1/3 C skim milk
1 scoop vanilla protein
1 navel orange

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 32

Friday, April 9, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 10

Feeling stronger today!! I can't stand up straight still, but I am definitely feeling stronger. Score.

Resume fun with my friend, Valerie.
Organized and began plotting things to be removed #springcleaning.
Stared at my canvas.


Rest. Normally, as soon as I feel strong during recovery, I push myself. This time, I am going to play it chill and let my body enjoy the rest - come on recovery juice, do yo thang.

Meal 1: 1/2 Chocolate Protein Shake (skim milk, chocolate protein) ---weird...low appetite.
Meal 2: too full to eat....also weird
Meal 3: Lamb gyro with fresh sliced tomatoes and chopped lettuce and greek yogurt
Meal 4: too full to eat.....what a weird day
Meal 5: 1/2 of a ginormous green mango....and felt STUFFED....weird, weird, weird.
Meal 6: Vietnamese chicken salad rolls- a la Pei Wei

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 29

Thursday, April 8, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 9

Trouble walking again, but was able to work a full day from home, so there's improvement. Still can't find a comfortable way to sit for a long period of time, but I feel like I am improving.

Not able to stand or sit for long, so was hard to read more than a page or even pull out my paints. Date night was a nice change of pace!


Pull-ups 2S/4R
Still, not feeling good enough to put more energy into a workout, but:
Iso-abs - every time I thought about it throughout the day

Meal 1: Chocolate Protein Shake (skim milk, chocolate protein)
Meal 2: oats with a few pieces of cut up dried apple and fig (Use organic, no added sugar fruits so that you are getting nothing but fruit. Dried fruits are great when you want to pack your oats in a ziploc. I can get hot water at a coffee shop or my office.)
Meal 3: Oh-my-gosh egg-white omelet
Meal 4: Avocado cubed with 1/4 banana sliced, lightly tossed with lemon juice
Meal 5: Celery with all-natural, no-sugar added peanut butter
Meal 6: DATE NIGHT - pizza? what?!

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 28

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 8

Can barely walk today. ergh. What's the dealiyo, yo? Wondering if my body is needing more rest so it can focus on healing, but instead I've been working full days and traveling. That would explain why I've felt so exhausted as though I need more than 8 hours of sleep. Hmm...Today I will take off half a day and start trying to listen to the rest "urges". I am so thankful to have a job that will let me do this without firing me.

Yesterday I put away our winter clothes. A whole 24" box haha - gotta love Texas.
Painting, reading, studying, piano, and a little language studying.


Not feeling good enough to put more energy into a workout, but:
Iso-abs - every time I thought about it throughout the day

Meal 1: 1/2 [ginormous] green mango; 1/4C oats
Meal 2: Whole grain bagel; cottage cheese
Meal 3: 1/2 turkey wrap with pieces of avocado, lettuce, tomato, mustard on whole wheat
Meal 4: Mott's All Natural no sugar added Applesauce
Meal 5: Avocado
Meal 6: Chocolate Protein Shake (skim milk, chocolate protein)

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 27

Kill the Quote? Food is Fuel

I wanted to take some time to write about the concept of "Food is Fuel". The concept that is used to retrain your brain to understand what to put in your mouth to help you perform [on the track, in the gym, carrying groceries, etc] better. This is a wonderful simple statement that really helps you put your grocery shopping in perspective to your goals. It's easy to understand and it's a catchy phrase. THE PROBLEM is we cannot always live like that. Are you supposed to always avoid wedding cake? or never eat your mom's famous eclair? or never make your favorite pot of chili? Food is also meant to be enjoyed.

I usually do not like to talk about food this way, because many people who have not yet created the healthy-eating lifestyle will abuse this epiphany. It's sooooo easy to say "oh well I've been so good, I can treat myself this once". But that is a pit-fall.

Beware, "Food is Fuel" and "Life is too short" need to be observed in good balance.

Know your goals, stick to your goals, but know your limits. If you are too strict, too quickly you will set yourself up for failure.

Enjoy life! Be healthy, be strong and enjoy life!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 7

Sunday we went to Garland to be with Family on Easter. The trip there really screwed with me - I never realized how bumpy those roads are. I have been pretty sore since, so walking is painful again. Bummer.

...BUT....Tricep Tuesday, anyone? :)

Reading the book "A Severe Mercy" recommended to me by a friend and fellow musician in the church orchestra, Sarah. Apparently, it is a pretty radical story, so onward I plunge!


Trics - 4S/10R
Shoulders - ant. delts. -4S/8,10,10,8R
Shoulders - pos. delts. -4S/12,14,10,10R
Shoulders - extensions -3S/8,8,6R
Iso-Squats - 4S/30secondR no rest between sets
Iso-abs - every time I thought about it throughout the day

Meal 1: Chocolate Protein Shake (skim milk, chocolate protein)
Meal 2: 6 almonds
Meal 3: Chocolate Protein Shake (skim milk, chocolate protein)
Meal 4: Mott's All Natural no sugar added Applesauce
Meal 5: Grilled jerk chicken with asian mixed veggies lightly sauteed in peanut oil
Meal 6: Celery sticks with organic, no-sugar added peanut butter

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 26

Monday, April 5, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 6

Pull up madness is my favorite kind of Monday.

Making major headway on my next piece. Using oils this time at the encouragement of my husband and other awesome artist friend, "Val".

Still enjoying Psalm 63 and the grateful heart David had while he wrote and sang that song.


Pull ups - 3S/4,4,7R assisted. 1 min rest between sets
Bics-burnouts - 50,45,40
Bics-hammer burnout
Iso-abs - 100S/10secondR no rest between sets
Iso-Squats - 4S/30secondR no rest between sets

Meal 1: Chocolate Protein Shake (skim milk, chocolate protein)
Meal 2: Protein bar 1/2 apple
Meal 3: 4 oz Ground turkey and steamed veggies
Meal 4: Celery sticks with organic, no-sugar added peanut butter
Meal 5: Miso soup and 3 oz salmon
Meal 6: 1/2 protein bar and 1/4 cup steamed broccoli

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 25

Sunday, April 4, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 5

Loving the chance to focus on my upper-body strength, something that's taken a sideline to my half marathon training.

Starting work on my next art piece.


Off-day (Always important to honor the off day. if you miss a day in your workout, don't think, I'll just make up for it by skipping my off day. WHY? training is way more a mental challenge than you think. Honoring the off day will train you to push it hard in the few days you have to work out because you will know you have that off day coming up. The rest day is just as important as your training days because your body needs a good solid recovery day.

Meal 1: Power Protein Shake (Banana, chocolate protein)
Meal 2: N/A - hard to squeeze that in during church
Meal 3: Unfortunately not good selection at the Church potluck lunch, so after the lunch we rushed home and sauteed some chicken in onions and a bit of soy sauce, garlic salt and cracked pepper
Meal 4: Vanilla protein with frozen strawberries
Meal 5: Easter dinner at the in-laws. Prediction: Grilled chicken, salad with avocado (I'll edit this note if this is not what happens, but I can promise you I'll be eating healthy)
Meal 6: N/A

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 24

Saturday, April 3, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 4

Yesterday I climbed up and back down 5 steps. It felt a little stiff, but pain. I think I will try to make it down to the gym for my workouts this week!

My sister came in town, so I did not accomplish anything on my list. I'll have to double up tomorrow :)


Pullups 3S/4 assisted.
30 min walk - getting easier

Meal 1: Power Protein Shake (Banana, chocolate protein)
Meal 2: chicken sandwich
Meal 3: pear, pineapple, frozen strawberries. blended (add water)
Meal 4: yogurt topped with mango, kiwi, blueberries
Meal 5: chicken adobo with 1/3C rice [My sister was coming in town and was craving home Filipino food]
Meal 6: N/A

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 23

Friday, April 2, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 3 "A la Peanut Butter SAND-wiches!"

Not only can I walk, but I can bend! Woot! It's almost like, as soon as I resided myself to a long recovery, my body goes into turbo-healing-mode. #IamsecretelyWolverine

My brother's graduation supply list ready, check!
Concept for circus painting sketched!


Attempted a pushup hoping maybe I was ready...won't be doing that again for a little while...
Bis: 4S burnouts

Meal 1: Power Protein Shake (Banana, peanut butter, chocolate protein)
Meal 2: Fiber One Bar
Meal 3: Greek style lamb, lettuce, tomato
Meal 4: Cottage cheese
Meal 5: 1/3 C Yogurt with 1 heaping Tbs pulverized almonds and shredded coconut
Meal 6: Grilled chicken and oven roasted Brussels sprouts

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 22

Thursday, April 1, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 2 "Positively Healthy"

I CAN WALK!! This morning I woke up and could walk easily without pain! "Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You"[ps 31:19]

Echo painting, check!


Pullups: 5S/3,3,3,5,7R assisted 1 min rest between sets [goal: 10 unassisted by end of 21 days]
Iso-squats 8S/30secondR no rest between sets

Meal 1: Fiber One bar, Navel orange, 1/4 C organic corn cereal [this was a terrible breakfast...what was I thinking]
Meal 2: Power Protein Shake (Banana, peanut butter, chocolate protein)
Meal 3: Garlic soup and toasted whole grain french bread
Meal 4: Avocado; oats
Meal 5: 1/3 C Yogurt with 1 heaping Tbs pulverized almonds and 1/2 apple, sliced
Meal 6: DATE NIGHT/cheat meal: grilled chicken sandwich, yo, on white bread

"The power of healing can come from the effort to face the challenge. The challenge of an injury is often misconstrued as a curse."

"'Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord." Psalm 31:24

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 21

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 1

"OK" I told myself, "today will be a new day".

Had a great quiet time this morning in James 1:2-7. "Count it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing..." All of you fit-mongers understand that the inability to train is a huge source of frustration (dare I say depression). I am determined to believe what I know - and that is that this is a time for me to learn and to iron out some wrinkles.

I nearly completed the Echo painting that my mom had asked for to put in they're new house in the Philippines. Those tiny flowers take forever! The only reason I was unable to complete it, was my sister skyped me, then my dad google-videoed me, then my mom called me through magic jack so I would go to my computer and do a web chat...3 hours later...time for baked salmon with a hint of lemon dressed with Buerre Sauce Bechamel for the Lukester.

Iso abs 100S/10secondR
Iso squats 8S/30secondR no rest between reps

Meal 1: Power Protein Shake (Banana, peanut butter, chocolate protein)
Meal 2: 1/4 cup Cottage cheese and 4 strawberries Forfeited, was still way too full from Meal
Meal 3: Onion Soup / soupe a l'oignon
Meal 4: Avocado; whole grain bread with peanut butter NOTE: this is not well balanced, I recommend replacing the PB (fats) with a boiled egg (protein)
Meal 5: 1/3 C Yogurt with 1 heaping Tbs pulverized almonds and 1/2 apple, sliced
Meal 6: Fish soup and cabbage

I am dressed for the day! Not shlubby, as would depict a bum who is depressed about not getting to run. ^_^

Workin on it,

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 20

A Little Piece of "Real"

I miss running. I've been taking one day at a time - and taking each thing of the day one at a time. Breakfast, then pack Luke's lunch, then work, then lunch, then....etc. But nearly every day I get hit with the overwhelming despair...I can't use my legs.

It's gorgeous outside! Since we live on the 3rd floor, I can't even leave our apartment to go sit by the pool or even hit the fitness center or coffee station. If only the elevator was not such a great distance I might be able to make it if I took it slow.

I am trying my utmost best to keep a great attitude and usually am successful. That is, until I realize I had it in a compartment-ed box that falls down on top of me.

By the end of week 2 I really thought I had kicked this psychological frustration, but it keeps coming back. Running was just such a huge part of my day. Now I have hours of dead time. GET OVER IT, FAITH!!!

I NEED to get out of this rut!!

I am making a list of 25 things that I will do for the next 21 days, maybe the deadline will keep me from the debilitating moping. I refuse to be victimized by an injury!

  1. Finish Echo painting for mom
  2. Start creepy-circus painting
  3. Tune and learn one solo piece on the cello
  4. Put London scrapbook together for Mother's day gift (hmm...need to get a scrapbook and lignon free tape)
  5. Make a list of supplies for brother's graduation table
  6. Contact church youth to make sure on schedule for Youth Sunday
  7. Brainstorm how to finish the "green" painting for Phil. house
  8. Sort pictures for wedding album project
  9. Work towards pull-up goal of...10... (that's reasonable right? in 21 days?)
  10. Write a letter to each missionary we are supporting
  11. Our taxes & come up with a new system to track expenses so that 2011 taxes will be cake
  12. [Daily] Study Psalm 63
  13. Make real crepes
  14. Write an email to my mom in her native tongue [Ilonggo]
  15. Go through closet for items we don't wear --send to the Philippines
  16. Build something out of wood
  17. Make paper
  18. [Daily] Learn and use one vocab word that I have never used before
  19. Make new pillow cases (ours are on the fritz)
  20. Not be shlubby even though I'm just at home
  21. Plant an herb garden
  22. Learn a tango piece on the piano
  23. Read "A Severe Mercy" by Sheldon Vanauken (been trying to get to it since last fall)
  24. [Daily] Isometric exercise
  25. [Body allowing] Grill out!

To my readers...I am committed to end the moping sob story and instead finding a way to be active and healthy no matter how long it will take to recover from this injury.

Recovery Day 19: Diet, Isos, Dedication

Recovering from a broken tailbone is taking way longer than I had anticipated. I've broken enough bones and torn enough tendons and ligaments to know how long it takes to recover, but for some reason I still had it in my head that I'd be fine in a couple weeks. I was just told that it will probably be until mid summer before I am back to normal. I love the ability to focus entirely on a good schedule of eating though. I have also had time to try new recipes that I usually only have time for on the weekends.

Iso-squats that I did yesterday felt good, but the tailbone [tissue/muscle/ligaments area] is achy today. It's amazing how much you use your tailbone!

Logged 10S/12,16,14,12,14,16,18,12,10,10R seated shoulder press
100S/10secondR iso-abs

My goal today: consume 60 oz H2O.
Reached! by 5:30pm

Meal 1: Strawberry Vanilla Oatmeal Protein Shake
Meal 2: 2 oz Ground turkey and whole wheat pesto pasta with pine nuts and red wine vinegar
Meal 3: Bowl of steak pepper-pot soup
Meal 4: Lo Carb Monster energy drink; Yogurt with almonds and 1/2 apple, cubed
Meal 5: Bowl of steak pepper-pot soup (why waste leftovers? ^_^)
Meal 6: 4 oz Salmon and steamed broccoli

Hope everyone is eating healthy and staying dedicated to your 2010 goals no matter what!

Pina Colada Power Smoothie

1/2 cup frozen organic pineapple
1/4 cup shredded all natural coconut (no added sugar)
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1 scoop vanilla protein

Monday, March 29, 2010

Orange-Julius Oatmeal Smoothie

1/2 C oats
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 C milk
1 Navel orange
1 packet Truvia (or your choice of sweetener, not sugar)
5 ice cubes
*optional, add 1 scoop plain or vanilla protein
*optional, add 2-3 large strawberries or other fruits

Recovery Day 18: I Spit On "Take It Easy"

I woke up feeling strong. I creeped out of bed and as soon as my feet hit the ground I was reminded that I am not healed yet. Boo.

Funny, but inconvenient: Somehow my coccyx pillow sprung a leek and therefore will not stay inflated. Alright will be lots of standing or sitting on my hip. :D

Yesterday I only had time for 100 reps of abdominal isos, but today I will make time for legs and, if I can find a comfortable way to stand or sit, I will attempt shoulders.

My mom is the strongest woman I have ever met. (She is in the Philippines right now) She does not say "I'm so sorry that you're in pain", she says "I'm so sorry that you're in pain, just be sure to stay productive - use your hands to get things done. Paint or get organized." haha I LOVE YOU MOM. and yes, I will do [and am doing] just that.

19:00 Finished my protein shake just in time before the 07:00pm cut off
20:00 Logged 8 sets of 30 sec iso-squats; 100 sets of 10 sec iso-abs (those are hard to keep accurate count! had to bust out the pen and paper ^_^)

Starting to hurt a bit. I think the squats were a little much today. Ibuprofen and I'll assess in the morning. Come on broken can take this.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Recovery Day 17: It's 7:00 Already?!

When you make a rule for yourself to help reach a goal, it is vital that you stick to it. That is why I am so against making a lot of rules like "no carbs" or "no gluten". Rules that facilitate a healthy lifestyle are what you should aim for, not trendy or short-term rules.

I recently [re]started the "no eating past 7:00" rule. Your metabolism is not constant and as it nears the end of the day, it begins to slow down (WAAAAAY before you even think about sleep). When I was weight training for growth, it was important to just eat good and at regular intervals. However, without the ability to workout (other than minor isometrics) I have to sing to a different tune.

It's rough. I get the munchies around 10:00 (my 3 hour mark) and it is torture! I must say...I am a glutton for punishment.

Dinner tonight was leaner than usual...on accident...I snacked on an avocado and orange-oats smoothie and then before I knew it, it was 8:00! ack! I missed dinner!....If I were training, I would eat anyway, but my body does not need it, so........torture tonight and lots of water.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hold Still, I'm Working Out

Hello, isometrics!

I am slowly gaining a bit of mobility, but it comes and goes or varies from day to day. HOWEVER, I wanted to share the concept of isometric exercises. I am starting to implement these when I can. Maybe you've tried yoga...remember the burn during your yoga class? Yoga uses isometrics to build strength alongside flexibility.

Since I can't do anything that will push or pull muscles or the tissue surrounding my tailbone, I have to be careful about which muscle groups to do.

I just started implementing these 2 very doable and very effective exercises:

1. Ab contractions. While sitting upright, I focus on every area of my abs and contract and hold for 10 seconds. Then release. Repeat 100 times. I really try to focus and think intentionally "obliques,, check...upper, check....lower....CHECK...THEN i start counting to 10). I used to do this while driving :)

2. Thighs. Since I already cannot straighten my back, I just bend my knees into a mid squat and focus intentionally on my quads, hamstrings, inner thighs, gluteus max. Hold for 30 seconds, then release. Approx 10 sets.

Training never stops! Don't let anything get in the way of your fitness goals--you can do it!

Recovery Zone

Operation: Get feeding schedule back on track for metabolism

Now eating every 2 hours again and it feels so good. I have noticed my portions have continued to decrease - probably as a result of my lack of activity. I cannot wait to be back out there again.

I hope everyone is staying healthy and eating right! Diet is 80% of fitness!

Foods I am looking forward to today:
Avocado with lemon juice
Simple Sunshine Smoothie
Baked jerk-chicken with broccoli (drizzle with flax/olive/peanut oil or I can't believe its not butter, coat the top with approx 1 Tbsp of Jamaican Jerk to taste. Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes or until juices run clear. I buy thicker chicken breasts so they usually take about 30 min)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I am SO REVVED to get back running! Unfortunately, I had a little mishap yesterday causing me to re-injure my not-yet-healed-broken-tailbone. Funny story actually...I am a dancer, I LOVE to dance, I come from a huge huge huge family who all love to dance and most of them (^_^) are incredible dancers and if the music is on, I am probably dancing to it. I still am recovering from this broken tailbone and have not been able to go in to work, so I have been getting some art done which is great! Yesterday, as I was painting, I set my itunes to play movie soundtracks. Before I knew it, it switched to Moulin Rouge and I was dancing all out and then in excruciating pain!

Meanwhile, I have been eating exceptionally on point!

BREAKFAST Quick egg omelet of 2 cage-free eggs with turkey and bell peppers
SNACK Navel orange & Fiber One bar
SNACK 3 large strawberries and 1/4C cottage cheese
LUNCH Smoked turkey whole wheat wrap with lettuce, jalapenos, 1/2 slice pepperjack
SNACK Avocado
Tonight: Moroccan chicken with lentils

Can't wait until I can bend and squat again! Oh, the little things we take for granted...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lemon V Lemonade

Slowly recovering! I'm off the hard-meds and now just taking Naproxen when it gets intense.

I just received my Zooma Austin Half marathon packet in the mail. As I removed from the envelope my tshirt, the timing chip, number tag, and day-of-instructions I was absolutely saddened. I have been working so hard for this!! Ergh...

My husband hid the tshirt haha ...he didn't want me to see it again and be bummed all over again.

I think this will help my motivation once I can train again - I know it will drive me to work really hard and stay dedicated.

On the bright side, I'm loving the opportunity to paint and cook without the exhaustion after a long day at work and heavy workout. In spite of the knock-off-my-feet, this continues to be a refreshing time for me.

Currently studying: Psalm 63:1-8!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chin Up

Well today I can actually walk. I mean REALLY walk. No more 80 yr old granny walk with a hunch and excruciating pain. Awesome.

I had a dream last night that I went for a run. *sigh*

I am still taking it easy, more out of physical-inability than by choice. Yesterday my appetite started to come back but not much was easily accessible. What WAS accessible was this amazing chocolate cake with pecans. OH-EM-GEE. Bad Faith, bad...very bad.

Since the nausea is gone today, I am focusing on eating on a schedule even though I have no appetite. I need to get my metabolism back on track and make sure I do not atrophy too much while I am recovering.

Above all I am trying to maintain a good attitude. TEXAS WEATHER, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO AMAZING?! DON'T YOU REALIZE IT IS TORTURE?!

I'll be ready to push it harder than ever once I am fully recovered from this broken tailbone.

shredded slice of deli turkey seared in pan over medium-high heat (no oil)
add 2 cage-free eggs, garlic salt and cracked pepper

4 strawberries
1 slice of cheese
5 saltines

1/2 Gala apple

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bustin My Tail

We just got back from our incredibly fun snowboarding trip with some great friends. Unfortunately, mid-trip I was getting a bit too aggressive and broke my tail bone. I thought I could shake it off, so I kept going, but the pain was hindering my ability to maintain control so I fell again…and then again. That last time I knew something was wrong and that I couldn’t go on. *sigh* and I was having such a blast! I'm an athlete...I'm not going to quit unless I physically cannot keep going.

I now cannot bend, twist, or lift. An athlete must know their limits, yes I know, but I honestly thought I just bruised clue it was actually completely severed.

I AM SO BUMMED...this does mean I will have to miss my half marathon that I have been training so vigorously for. I am truly disappointed, but I think that the Lord wants to show me something through all of this. So I am going to use this time to re-assess my focus in life. Maybe my priorities are not as solid as I thought they were...

What can you do for a broken tail bone?

Not much in the area of "speed recovery", but ice pack every 30 min on 30 min off, pain killers (your body can heal faster when it is not having to manage pain), LOTS of fluids, maintenance of a good diet, multi-vitamins, donut (pillow for the bum) and moderate heels (pressure on your heel as you walk is hard on your spine, and high heels are an obvious no-no).

How do you workout and prevent atrophy with a broken tail bone?

...not sure yet...any ideas or comments are most welcome

Monday, March 8, 2010

No Excuses Training Streak

I am on Day 20 of my 40 day training streak. "No-excuses Training Streak"**. The habit of not allowing anything to get in my way of my training is formed! I had one of those "I just want to get into my sweat pants" days, but I donned my running shoes without a grunt! What a great feeling.

Two weeks ago or so the half marathon became this daunting cloud of doom, but after Thursday's run (Day 16 of No-Excuses Training Streak) I felt very confident - I am ready!! Bring it on, Austin,TX!

**A runner I follow on twitter, @libbyruns, inspired me to start a 40 day training streak of no excuses. I really enjoy being on twitter,, and this blogsite because it allows me to connect with other like minded people. Staying connected with like-minded people is one of the key elements to staying motivated.

Stay motivated everyone! Keep your goal in front of you!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back from the Crypt

I have not posted since New Year's but I certainly have not slacked on training!

Still working on my goals!

Goal 1) Run a Half Marathon. I am registered for the Zooma Austin Half March 27!

Goal 2) Cut spending a bit. I am now on a cash system for groceries only. I am focusing on one category at a time. For now, it is grocery. We spend most of our money on food (grocery and eating out), so this seemed like the worst/best place to start.

Goal 3) Be more available to dote on the husband. I've been trying to get better sleep so that I can be strong with each new day, instead of dragging all week and HOPING to recoop over the weekend. On date night, I actually leave work early, so that I have time to run, shower, and relax before the husband gets home. It's been fun focusing more energy on being selfless with regards to energy.

Hope everyone has kept up their New Year's Resos so far!! Keep at it!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolutions!

The infamous New Year's resolutions are back with a vengeance! Some people roll their eyes at the resolution makers, but not me! I think it is so important to set goals and reassess goals constantly in order to reach your full potential.

Goal 1) Run a Half Marathon. Tactical (How to) Plan: Be able to run 5 miles without distress by February 20th 2010, begin 10 week Half Training on 02/21.

Goal 2) Cut spending a bit. Tactical (How to) Plan: Think twice when I'm shopping at the grocery store; cut coffee shop trips to 2 a week.

Goal 3) Be more available to dote on the husband. Tactical (How to) Plan:
--> get 8 hours of sleep to improve energy so that I won't be tired at the end of the day
-->Keep cooking breakfast every morning
-->Be more creative with lunches (unlike my November rut where I only fed him turkey sandwiches every day. haha!)
-->Listen more intently and look at his face while he talks
-->Take time to beautify and smell nice

Happy New Year everyone!!

I realized that none of my HIT Week articles were posted. I will get on that and publish them here for any of you interested in tracking what I did and my progress! FYI - the hubbo cant stop grapping my rock hard abs - Hoorah clean eating!!!! My arms and legs made mondo improvements - def leaner. Looking forward to more progress in 2010!!