Friday, May 29, 2009

Pumpkin Protein Muffins with Protein Frosting

These are delicious. I made these with regular sugar the first time; next time I may experiment with 50%splenda + 50%regular. Note: Splenda causes baked goods to be a bit more flat.

2 of these babies is about the equivalent to a protein bar. I ate 2 about 30 minutes before a long run and it was awesome.

2 C all purpose flour
1/2C vanilla protein powder
1/4C sugar
2t baking powder
1t salt
1t cinnamon
1/2t nutmeg
1/2t allspice
1/4t cloves
15 oz can of pumkin
2 eggs
1/2C veg. oil
nonstick cooking spray

Protein Frosting
1/2C vanilla protein powder
1/2C powdered sugar
1/2t vanilla extract
3-4T fat-free milk

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. LIghtly coat a 12-cup muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.
2. Combine flour, protein powder, sugar, baking powder, salt, and spices in a medium bowl. In a separate large bowl, whisk together pumpkin, eggs and oil.
3. Add dry ingredients to pumpkin mixture and stir until thoroughly combined.
4. Divide batter into muffin cups and bake 15-20 minutes, then remove muffins and arrange on a wire rack to cool. Serve with protein frosting or fat-free cream cheese.
5. For frosting, mix protein powder and powdered sugar. Add vanilla and 3 tablespoons of milk; beat until smooth. Add milk until smooth. Spread evenly on muffins.

Nutritional Information
(one muffin with frosting)
223 calories, 12g protein, 19g carbs, 11g fat, 1g fiber, 18g sugar, 125mg sodium

These are obviously high fat and sugar with this original receipe, so not a good idea to make this a regular item in your diet, but its a nice change of pace and 2 will keep me full for 2-3 hours.

bon appetite!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


1. I almost ran my "5-6 mile" goal
2. I almost missed a workout

This morning I weighed in at 120.8. so I lost those 2lbs I gained and I'm ready to keep trucking.

I have been trying so pretty awesome proteing recipes...Pumpkin Muffin with protein and protein icing. Super delicious and PACKED with protein. Barely any fat and sugar (if using non fat milk and splenda). Chicken Wild Rice Casserole with protein. Yukon Gratin Potatoes. Low Fat Beef Stroganoff with extra protein. I have been adding protein in a lot of my other recipes now that I have the hang of it.

Saturday I put in a good solid 3+ mile with incredible ease
Sunday I fell asleep after a long day (but it was only 5pm) and I was so sleep deprived (because of my life style of not sleeping) that I slept till Monday morning at 6! So I missed my Sunday workout, but made up for it on Monday.

Monday I ran 4 miles (1-2 miles short of my goal because I wanted to make it in time to take yoga) . Immediately after, I stretched for 10 minutes then ran to the groupx room for some hot yoga. Not a good idea after losing water in a run. I was so dehydrated and fast getting overheated because of it. I quit the class half way through for the sake of my health. This wa smy first taste of true yoga. I have done bits and pieces of yoga movements that were interwoven to other core classes. It certainly forces you to stabalize and really opens up your chest and sholders to have fabulous posture. I had a great back and upper body workout that i was expecting, but to my surprise we had a great lower body workout as well! It was like dance without the cardio. The movements were controlled so you're thinking " sweat" but the room was so warm and you feel everything!!! So you really burn those calories with a capital "C". I do NOT like the spirtual aspects of Yoga...praying to the gods, etc...but most yoga classes I have heard of have been exercise oriented only, no meditation or praying elements. and THAT I can live with ^_^

Today (tuesday) is my off day since I made yesterday my Sunday O_0.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cycle Snobs beware!

I left work 7 minutes early to get to the gym in time to take a spinning class. I went early to the room, hopped on a bike and started spinning 15 minutes before start time (why not get some extra calories burned before the 1 hour trek, right?). Then as more and more people startined piling in, I noticed a few bikes here and there had purple squares on them...I discovered you have to sign up for the class!! so by the time the instructor passed by me to ask for MY slip, the class was already too full for me to join. darn.

Lemonade out of lemons...I did a fat burning session on the bike in the cardio area. fat burning session is where you push your body in intervals of intense speed or resistance to burn past the ready energy and into the stored fat.

I had a great ab session!! Even with my sore back...dont know why it is sore, but I may have to skip my run today because of it. my body has been achy and i think it might be the bad kind of achy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Importance of Revision

It is important to evaluate your workout and diet routines frequently (once every 3 weeks is recommended). This helps your body not plateau and ensures you experience continuous growth.

I have been TRYING to cut carbs at 4:00. I have been doing pretty well, but I certainly get my fair share of carbs in before 4:00. I am going to watch the intake to be at a 20-50-30% rule applied to meals and snacks. 20% carb; 50% protein; 30% fat.

I am reinventing my 6 day cardio of running to be 4-run+2cycle/elipticle.
Along with my 6 day cardio I will now add a push-pull (simple push pull consisting of pushups and pullups only. Later I will add other push pulls).
Nearly all of the 6 workout days I incorporate abs consisting of mat with weights and pikes on the swiss ball. My routine will now be as follows:

Sunday Mat exercises 6 on 2 rotations 10+lbs

Tuesday 3 ab exercises 4 rotations
Wednesday cabel and rotating exercises 4-5 sets 45+lbs
Thursday Swiss ball
Friday Mat exercises 18 minutes
Saturday two machines 6 rotations

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Rule of accountability

Fitness is a hard road when you go it alone.

I have enlisted the partnership of my friend Mary. We are super stoked because we both have extremely similar goals. I really believe this will help us reach our goals faster.

FAILURE NOTICE: The past week or so I have struggled with some serious cravings and 80% of the time I caved. I have successfully put on weight because of my bad choices. I weigh in at 124 PM and 122 AM. That means I have about 10-12 pounds to lose by October. Approx 3-4 lbs a month.

Today I will be running this set: 1 mile + 5 1:00 min AI + 1 mile.

If I have time to do pilates this evening I will squeeze that in as well.

In 4 weeks I will be able to run 5 miles without distress and after verifying this for 1.5 weeks I will progress to the "9 weeks to a half" routine:,7120,s6-238-244--6851-2-2X5X8-4,00.html

Monday, May 4, 2009

weight report, running progress, new diet

My 3 miles are solid. I can handle the monotony now psychologically...SO ITS TIME TO KICK IT UP! Wednesday I am going to go straight into a 4 miler. I am not going to do a transitionaly run of 3.5. Instead, I will run the first 3 at a 5.0 pace and on mile 4 I will evaluate to maintain speed or reduce to a jog. Thursday is an off day and this weekend we will be on the road, so I may not get another opportunity to run till Sunday. That will be a nice long rest for my knees and lower back. Assuming all goes well, I will attempt it again on Sunday, rest Monday, and do it again on Tuesday and forward.

New: I am on week 3 of a new rule - "No carbs after 4:00". It has been good, but every now and then I have stopped carbs at 1:00 and then my workouts were not as strong...gotta be careful about cutting out too much. Its been difficult to monitor because of how busy we have been, excuse, right? That's just life!

I now weigh in at 121.2 AM weight; 123 PM weight. that is about 4 lbs from my goal weight.