Wednesday, April 7, 2010

21-Day-Recovery-Project: Day 8

Can barely walk today. ergh. What's the dealiyo, yo? Wondering if my body is needing more rest so it can focus on healing, but instead I've been working full days and traveling. That would explain why I've felt so exhausted as though I need more than 8 hours of sleep. Hmm...Today I will take off half a day and start trying to listen to the rest "urges". I am so thankful to have a job that will let me do this without firing me.

Yesterday I put away our winter clothes. A whole 24" box haha - gotta love Texas.
Painting, reading, studying, piano, and a little language studying.


Not feeling good enough to put more energy into a workout, but:
Iso-abs - every time I thought about it throughout the day

Meal 1: 1/2 [ginormous] green mango; 1/4C oats
Meal 2: Whole grain bagel; cottage cheese
Meal 3: 1/2 turkey wrap with pieces of avocado, lettuce, tomato, mustard on whole wheat
Meal 4: Mott's All Natural no sugar added Applesauce
Meal 5: Avocado
Meal 6: Chocolate Protein Shake (skim milk, chocolate protein)

Broken tailbone got me down and pouty, so I started the 21 day streak of getting over the despair. #injuryrecovery at its finest!
Days since injury: 27

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